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Self-Study plan and timeline

Self-Study plan

A. Objectives of the Self-Study Process

The University of Wisconsin–Madison welcomes the opportunity that the NCAA third cycle certification process presents for completing a thorough self-study, and for involving the entire University community in this endeavor. The certification process is designed to benefit the institution by providing an opportunity to increase campus-wide awareness, to affirm the positive aspects of intercollegiate athletics and to resolve any concerns that are identified. To that end, outgoing Chancellor John Wiley and incoming Chancellor Biddy Martin have carefully selected and charged members of the self-study certification Steering Committee and Subcommittees with conducting a comprehensive review of the intercollegiate athletics program so that it operates in substantial conformity with operating principles adopted by the NCAA Division I membership.

The primary objective of the upcoming self-study is to assess the extent to which the University of Wisconsin–Madison meets the certification standards outlined in the NCAA third cycle self-study instrument. The secondary objective is to review the conclusions and recommendations of the second cycle self-study certification, that was completed eight years ago, and to assess the progress that has been made in addressing any concerns identified during that process.

B. Review of Second Cycle Institutional Plans For Improvement

The second cycle self-study certification process identified a few program areas that required action/improvement. These included recommendations that the program:

  1. Adopt a written stand-alone gender-equity plan.
  2. Adopt a written stand-alone minority-issues plan that meets the basic stated operating principles, items identified by the self-study committee, and plan to improve the graduation rates of minority student-athletes.
  3. Regularly planned educational programming for other institutional members rather than the current “as the need arises” basis.
  4. Appointment letters for institutional staff members outside of athletics should contain a formal statement regarding NCAA rules compliance.
  5. Review and update the five-year strategic budget plan on a semi-annual basis and make necessary adjustments to projected-capital expenditures consistent with identifiable revenue streams.
  6. Review and modify intercollegiate athletics’ mission statement to ensure it incorporates all of the elements of NCAA Bylaw (Institutional Mission Statement).

The current self-study will provide an opportunity to review these issues, and to assess if the arrangements now in place are satisfactory.

C. Functions of the Steering Committee and Subcommittees

The Steering Committee and three Subcommittees have been appointed by outgoing Chancellor John Wiley and incoming Chancellor Biddy Martin. The Chair of the Steering Committee is Mr. Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor for Administration. Mr. Bazzell is a member of the institution’s senior management team and has ready access to the Chancellor. The Steering Committee is responsible for the general direction of the self-study. It will monitor the progress of the Subcommittees to be sure that the self-study is being completed in a competent and timely manner. The Steering Committee is to receive and review the work of the Subcommittees, and then prepare a set of conclusions and recommendations. Each of the three Subcommittees will be chaired by a faculty member of the Athletic Board and each has broad-based representation: members of the Athletic Board, the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, University faculty and staff, alumni, coaches, student-athletes, and student body. Each Subcommittee is responsible for one of the three self-study operating principles: Governance and Commitment to Rules Compliance; Academic Integrity; and Gender, Diversity and Student-Athlete Well-Being.

Each Subcommittee will collect and review the information needed to describe the status of the University’s athletic program in accordance with the operating principles outlined in the NCAA self-study instrument. The Subcommittees will submit draft comments and recommendations to the Steering Committee by December, 2008. The Steering Committee will schedule at least one (1) open meeting at which members of the University community can review the information and share their thoughts. During the period from December, 2008 to February, 2009, Mr. Walter Dickey, the Chief Report Writer, Chair of the Steering Committee, and staff assistant(s) will draft the self-study report, based on the work of the Subcommittees and the Steering Committee. That draft self-study report will be available for comments from the Steering Committee, Subcommittees and University community by March, 2009. As indicated, an opportunity will be made available for members of the University community to review and comment on the draft report throughout the process via town hall type meetings presented by the Subcommittees and the self-study website as well (see Attachment 2).

This work plan will enable the University to present the final self-study report to the NCAA by May 1, 2009. The NCAA peer-review team could then visit the University anytime between September–November, 2009. Attachment 3 is an outline of the schedule for the self-study certification processes.

D. Big Ten Conference Involvement

Chad Hawley, Assistant Commissioner for Compliance for the Big Ten Conference will serve as a member of the Governance and Commitment to Rules Compliance Subcommittee. A copy of our final self-study report will be provided to the Big Ten Conference.

E. Use of Outside Consultants:

We do not have any plans to use outside consultants or agencies in the completion of the self-study.

F. Staff and Administrative Support

Administrative support will be provided by the following individuals:

In addition, David Schultz, Associate Dean and Professor at the Law School, along with John Walsh, a second year law student at the University with interest in sports law, will provide staff and research assistance to the Steering Committee Chair and Chief Report Writer. They will, under the supervision of the Chief Report Writer, also participate in drafting the self-study report.


June, 2008 Steering Committee and Subcommittee Kickoff Meeting
August 19, 2008 Self-Study Certification Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting
August 27, 2008 NCAA Self-Study Orientation Videoconference
September, 2008 Subcommittees, under the direction of Subcommittee Chairs, establish work plan to collect, evaluate and prepare response to self-study operating principle questions
October, 2008Steering Committee meets with Subcommittee Chairs to review work plan and make recommendations
OctDec, 2008 Subcommittees work on self-study report and make recommendations
December, 2008 Subcommittee Chairs submit drafts of self-study report to Steering Committee Chair
JanFeb, 2009 Chief Report Writer and staff draft overall self-study report
March, 2009 Steering Committee, Subcommittees and University community review draft of self-study report and provide comments
March 31, 2009 Campus forum on NCAA athletics certification
April, 2009 Chief Report Writer and staff of Steering Committee revise draft of self-study report in response to comments
May 1, 2009 Submit self-study report to NCAA
July–Sept, 2009 Prepare for Peer-Review Team visit
Sept 21–23, 2009 Peer-Review Team visit
NovDec, 2009 Steering Committee and Subcommittees draft response to Peer-Review Team’s Report if necessary
March–May, 2010 Receive NCAA decision on certification
May–June, 2010 Steering Committee share decision, report and recommendations with campus community and evaluate NCAA Self-Study Certification process